


The United Agricultural Production Company (K.S.C.) Closed (UAPCO) established in 1976 and is involved in farming business, producing fodder crops including Alfalfa, Barley, Oats, Corn, Rye grass and Rhodes grass. Located at Sulaibiya farms area, ideally close to many large livestock farms, which are major consumers of fodder. It is also in close proximity to the main fodder market in Kuwait.

  • Forage Production: Nourishing Agriculture and Meeting Over 50% of Market Demand
  • In the ever-evolving world of agriculture, there's a crucial component that serves as the backbone of livestock nutrition: forage. Leading the charge in this vital sector is the United Agricultural Production Company (UAPCO). With dedication, innovation, and a commitment to quality, UAPCO has positioned itself as a driving force in forage production, ensuring livestock in the region receive the nourishment they require.
  • Fueling Livestock Health and Productivity
  • Forage, also known as fodder, plays an essential role in livestock diets, supporting growth, health, and overall productivity. As a cornerstone of animal husbandry, it provides key nutrients, fiber, and energy to cattle, sheep, goats, and other livestock. These nutritional foundations translate to healthier animals, increased milk yields, and improved meat quality, contributing to a sustainable and thriving agricultural ecosystem.
  • Meeting Market Needs: A Remarkable Achievement
  • One standout aspect of UAPCO's forage production is its role in meeting over 50% of the market demand. This achievement underscores the company's commitment to ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality forage to farmers, livestock producers, and agricultural enterprises. By bridging the gap between demand and supply, UAPCO contributes to the stability of the livestock industry and the broader agricultural sector.
  • Innovative Techniques and Sustainability
  • In its pursuit of excellence, UAPCO employs innovative techniques and sustainable practices to optimize forage production. The company is dedicated to methods that prioritize soil health, water conservation, and environmental stewardship. This commitment ensures that UAPCO not only meets current market needs but also lays the groundwork for a prosperous and sustainable future.
  • Diverse Range of Varieties:
  • The types of forage produced by UAPCO are diverse, catering to various livestock needs. These varieties include: - Alfalfa Forage: Rich in protein and fiber, an important source of forage.
    - Barley Forage: A natural source of energy and essential nutrients.
    - Oat Hay: Provides livestock with a high content of protein and vitamins.
    - Sudan Grass Forage: Rich in fiber and vitamins, aiding livestock digestion.
    - Rye Grass: Known for its high protein and calcium content.
    - Silage: A preserved feed product retaining nutritional value.
    - Yellow Corn Silage and Sorghum Silage: Rich sources of carbohydrates and energy.
  • Beyond Numbers: Supporting Livestock and Livelihoods
  • While numbers convey a compelling story, the impact of UAPCO's forage production reaches beyond statistics. Recognizing that agricultural success is intertwined with the well-being of farmers, herders, and their communities, UAPCO's reliable access to high-quality forage empowers livestock producers, contributing to local economies and ensuring food security.
  • Agricultural Excellence in Every Blade
  • At UAPCO, forage production is not just a business; it's a responsibility. Every blade of forage represents a commitment to livestock, farmers, and the sustainability of agricultural landscapes. As UAPCO continues to push the boundaries of innovation and quality, it remains dedicated to nourishing animals that sustain us and communities reliant on agriculture for their livelihoods.
  • Towards a Thriving Future
  • With UAPCO's ongoing forage production making a significant impact, the company looks toward a future where livestock thrive, markets are well-supplied, and agriculture flourishes. This journey is one of growth, sustainability, and excellence—a journey guided by values that drive UAPCO to feed the world and ensure a better tomorrow for all.